Data is stored in the following directory:
Available data.¶
The following data for analysis are aviable:
Parameter file (original): main_input.org
Checkpoint data directory: Checkpoints
Global averaged data directory: G_Avgs
Sphere averaged data directory: Shell_Avgs
Shell spectrum data directory: Shell_Spectra
Longitudinal averaged data directory: AZ_Avgs
Fields on spheres directory: Shell_Slices
The following parameters are used. See Input Parameters documentation for the definitions.
Name |
Parameter name |
Value |
\(N_{r}\) |
n_r |
512 |
\(N_{\theta}\) |
n_theta |
1152 |
\(Np_{column}\) |
npcol |
256 |
\(Np_{row}\) |
nprow |
64 |
\(r_i / r_o\) |
aspect_ratio |
9.50E-01 |
\(r_o - r_i\) |
shell_depth |
1.00E+00 |
Chebyshev grid |
chebyshev |
.TRUE. |
rotation |
rotation |
.TRUE. |
magnetism |
magnetism |
viscous heating |
viscous_heating |
.TRUE. |
\(E\) |
Ekman_Number |
4.00E-06 |
\(Pr\) |
Prandtl_Number |
1.00E+00 |
\(Ram\) |
Modified_Rayleigh_Number |
2.00E+00 |
Non slip boundary |
no_slip_boundaries |
Fixed \(\frac{dT}{dr}\) at \(r_i\) |
fix_dtdr_bottom |
.TRUE. |
\(\frac{dT}{dr}|_{r=r_i}\) |
dTdr_bottom |
-1.00E+00 |
Fixed \(\frac{dT}{dr}\) at \(r_o\) |
fix_dtdr_top |
.TRUE. |
\(\frac{dT}{dr}|_{r=r_o}\) |
dTdr_top |
5.00E+02 |
Reference type |
reference_type |
3 |
Heating type |
heating_type |
1 |
\(n_{p}\) |
poly_n |
1.00E+00 |
\(n_{\rho}\) |
poly_Nrho |
5.00E+00 |
\(n_{g}\) |
gravity_power |
-1.00E+30 |
Hyper-diffusion |
hyperdiffusion |
.TRUE. |
\(\alpha\) |
hyperdiffusion_alpha |
1.20E+02 |
\(\beta\) |
hyperdiffusion_beta |
3.00E+00 |
Examples of visualized images.¶

Time evolution of kinetic energy density \(E_{kin} = \frac{1}{2} v^{2}\) in the spherical shell as function of time normalized by the viscous diffusion time \(\tau_{\nu} = L^{2} / \nu\). from the first data output time.

azimuthal component of the velocity field \(u_{\phi}\) at \(r = r_o\) and \(t = 5.013 \times 10^{2}\)

Radial component of the velocity field \(u_r\) at \(r = r_o - 0.035\) and \(t = 5.013 \times 10^{2}\)

Entropy \(S\) at \(r = r_o - 0.035\) and \(t = 5.013 \times 10^{2}\)

Longitudinal average ofEntropy perturbation \(S - (4\pi r^{2})^{-1} \int S dS\) (left) and zonal velocity field \(u_\phi\) (right) in the fluid shell at \(t = 5.013 \times 10^{2} \tau_{\nu}\).

Kinetic energy density spectra as a function of spherical harmonic degree \(l\) at \(r = r_o\) and \(t = 5.013 \times 10^{2}\)